Compress GIF

Reduce the size of your GIF images

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How to compress GIF

Upload GIF

First, you need to select an application from the available options and upload the GIF file

Compress it

In the next step, you need to select the necessary settings and proceed to compress your image.


And finally, when everything is ready, you can download the file to your device and check it.

What is GIF

Animated GIFs are everywhere. You will find them in texts, instant messages and emails, as well as on social media and websites. They are so popular that many keyboards on mobile devices have a dedicated button to search for GIF images. A key feature of the GIF format and its main advantage over the years since its inception is its support for animation. The GIF format uses a lossless compression algorithm that is less efficient than PNG compression: the output files weigh more than other bitmap formats. This disadvantageously distinguishes this graphic format from a number of others. Regardless of how you got the GIF animation, you can reduce its size.

How GIF compression works

To understand how to shrink a gif image, it is important to understand its structural elements. The GIF format supports animations that contain multiple moving frames, as well as information about how long each frame should be shown on the screen. As a result, the size of the gif is influenced by such components as: name, color palette and number of frames. The name contains special information about the global palette, the number of bits for RGB-representation of one color in the palette, the definition of the sequence in which the pixels are highlighted, as well as how many bits are per image point.

Were we able to help you compress your files?

On our site, we have collected the best tools for optimizing your files. By using compressors, you can shrink your files and save space on your device or website.